
Saturday 22 December 2007

Bussum, The Netherlands

Winter Scene
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Winter Scene
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Winter Scene
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Winter Scene
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Winter Scenes
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Winter Scene
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Friday 21 December 2007

Zwolle, The Netherlands

Winter Scene
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Winter Scenes
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Winter Scene
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Sunday 2 December 2007

Sand Island, Tiwi, Kenya

Bottlenose Dolphin
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Sand Island
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Sand Island
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Sand Island
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Likoni Ferry
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Saturday 24 November 2007

Sunday 11 November 2007

Lake Naivasha, Kenya

African Hoopoe
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Fishers' Lovebirds
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Guereza (Abyssinian) Black & White Colobus
Photographs by E.M den Toom (top) A.P. Voets (bottom)

Crater Lake
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Green Wood-Hoopoe
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Photograph by A.P. Voets

Egyptian Goose
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Water Hyacinth
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Camp Fire
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Monday 22 October 2007

Hell's Gate, Kenya

Hell's Gorge
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Hell's Gate
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Hell's Gorge
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Lake Naivasha, Kenya

Fischer's Lovebird
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Fischer's Lovebird
Photographs by E.M. den Toom

Lilac-Breasted Rollers
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Fork-Tailed Drongo
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Nubian Woodpecker
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Sunday 21 October 2007

Crescent Island, Kenya

Crescent Island
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Speckled Mousebird
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Great White Pelican in Flight
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Crescent Island
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Grey-Backed Fiscal
Photograph by A.P. Voets

African Fish-Eagles
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

African Hoopoe
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Thursday 18 October 2007

Nairobi, Kenya

Unidentified Flower
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Photograph by A.P. Voets

Picasso Bug
Photograph by A.J. den Toom

Saturday 13 October 2007

Masai Mara, Kenya

The Great Wildebeest Migration
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Wildebeest Crossing the Talek River
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Grant's Zebras and White-Bearded Wildebeest at a Drinking Hole
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Yellow-Throated Sandgrouse with Young
Photograph by J. den Toom

Secretary Bird
Photograph by B. van Roon

Woodland Kingfisher
Photographs by E.M. den Toom

Purple Grenadier
Photograph by B. van Roon

Verreaux's Giant Eagle-Owl
Photograph by J. den Toom

Masai Lioness
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Young Masai Lion
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Masai Lioness with Cubs
Photographs by A.M. den Toom (centre)
& B. van Roon (top & bottom)

Masai Lion
Photograph by J. den Toom