
Wednesday 15 August 2007

Masai Mara, Kenya

Rift Valley Viewpoint
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Wattled Plover
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Pride of Masai Lions
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Masai Lioness on the Lookout
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Young Masai Lion
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Masai Lion Close-Up
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Vultures on the Mara Plains
Photograph by A.P. Voets

White-Backed Vultures
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Masai Giraffe Suckling
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Nile Crocodile in the Talek River
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Hippos Eating A Zebra
Photographs by A.M. den Toom

Hippos on the Banks of the Mara River
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Drinking White-Bearded Wildebeest
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Wildebeest Crossing the Talek River
Photograph by A.P. Voets

The Great Wildebeest Migration
Photograph by A.P. Voets

White-Bearded Wildebeest
Photograph by A.M. den Toom

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Crescent Island, Kenya

Masai Giraffes
Photograph by A.P. Voets

White-Bearded Wildebeest
Photograph by A.P. Voets

White-Fronted Bee-Eeater
Photograph by A.P. Voets

African Rock Python
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Grant's Zebras
Photograph by A.P. Voets