
Monday 14 April 2008

Samburu & Buffalo Springs, Kenya

Ewaso Nyiro River at Sunrise
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Scenery of the Ewaso Nyiro River
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Rains Heading Towards the Ewaso Nyiro River
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Photograph by A.P. Voets

Impala with Red-Billed Oxpecker
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Black-Backed Jackal
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Photograph by A.P. Voets

Photograph by A.P. Voets

Lesser Kudu
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Grevy's Zebra
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Reticulated Giraffe
Photograph by A.P. Voets?

Elephant with Young
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Elephants in the Ewaso Nyiro River
Photographs by E.M. den Toom

Banded Mongoose
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Unidentified Flower
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Tawny Eagle
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Martial Eagle
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Dark Chanting Goshawk
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Pygmy Falcon
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Rosy-Patched Bushshrike
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Buffalo Weaver
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Grey-Headed Kingfisher
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Fork-Tailed Drongo
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Kori Bustard
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Vulturine Guinea Fowl
Photograph by A.P. Voets