
Saturday 28 December 2013

Kenya, Funzi

Photographs by A.P. Voets

 Indian Ocean
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Photographs by A.P. Voets

Sunday 22 December 2013

Kenya, Crescent Island

Photograph by A.P. Voets

 Great White Pelicans
Photograph by A.P. Voets

  Great White Pelican
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

  Lake Naivasha
Photograph by A.P. Voets

  Lesser Flamingo
Photographs by A.P. Voets

  African Sacred Ibis
Photograph by A.P. Voets

  African Fish-Eagle 
Photograph by A.P. Voets

  Lake Naivasha
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Grey-Backed Fiscal 
Photograph by A.P. Voets 

Friday 20 December 2013

Kenya, Nairobi National Park

Young Lion on the Lookout
Photographs by A.P. Voets

 Young Lion on the Prawl
Photograph by A.P. Voets

White Rhino
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Photograph by A.P. Voets

   Grey Crowned Crane
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Monday 16 December 2013

Kenya, Samburu National Reserve

Lioness with Cubs
Photographs by E.M. den Toom & A.P. Voets

Photographs by A.P. Voets

Reticulated Giraffes
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Savanna Elephant
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Gerenuk Antelopes
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Purple (Rufous-Crowned) Roller
Photograph by A.P. Voets

White-Headed Buffalo-Weavers 
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Pearl-Spotter Owlet
Photograph by E.M. den Toom

Tawny Eagle
Photograph by A.P. Voets

Matrial Eagle (?)
Photograph by A.P. Voets

African Pygmy Falcon
Photographs by A.P. Voets

Kori Bustard
Photographs by A.P. Voets